Nordic meets Tokyo Games
デンマーク・スウェーデンの ゲームテクノロジー企業12 社が来日

- Copenhagen Capacity×Shibuya Startup Support
- 2023 Sep. 22
- 6:00 pm–9:00 pm
- Portal Point Shibuya
Copenhagen Capacity and Shibuya Startup Support are co-hosting a networking event as a side event of the TOKYO GAME SHOW 2023.
We will invite many game-related companies from Berlin and Denmark to this event. Companies and investors looking for partners, please come! Presentations will be given in English, but simple interpretation can be provided for questions, etc. as needed.
[TOKYO GAME SHOW] TOKYO GAME SHOW is Japan’s largest computer entertainment event, held annually by the Computer Entertainment Association. It is held at Makuhari Messe for four days from September 21 to 24, 2023. For more information, please click here.
「TOKYO GAME SHOW 2023」のサイドイベントとして、Copenhagen Capacity とShibuya Startup Supportが共催しネットワーキングイベントを実施いたします。
What to host an event with us?
We organize events to connect movers in the startup ecosystem in Japan and around the world. Are you interested in organizing something through us? Fill out the form and our team will get back to you!