Site Policy

Copyright Policy

The copyright of the information, images, charts, etc. on the Shibuya Startup Support website belongs to the City of Shibuya unless otherwise stated. If you wish to quote, reprint, or reproduce the information, images, charts, etc. on the Shibuya Startup Support website, please contact us for more information.All rights reserved.

Privacy, Personal Information

With regard to the protection of privacy and personal information, we collect, manage and use such information appropriately in accordance with the Shibuya City ordinance of privacy protection (1989 Shibuya City regulations No. 40).Shibuya City ordinance of privacy protection.

Browsing Environment

At Shibuya Startup Support website, we aim to create pages that conform to HTML4.01, the W3C recommendation.

Recommended Environment

The latest version of OS and browser unless otherwise specified:
- iOS: Safari
- Android 6+: Chrome
- Windows 10: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Edge
- macOS: Safari, Firefox