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Upcoming Events
Feb. 10Creativetech Shibuya Happening on February 10
クリエイティブテックスタートアップのためのイベント「Creativetech Shibuya」 を開催
Shibuya Startup Support
Shibuya Startup Support
Feb. 12Cross-Border Tech and Venture Capital (VC) Between Europe and Japan
Co-hosted by New Balkans Law Office (NBLO) and Shibuya Startup Support
New Balkans Law Office (NBLO)とShibuya Startup Supportによる共同開催
How can I qualify for Shibuya’s Startup Visa program?
Please submit the required documents.
Refer to:
What do I need to prepare to apply for a Startup Visa?
Which language do I need to apply for a Startup Visa? Do I need to speak Japanese?
The program is conducted in English.
What is the minimum investment in my company required to apply for a Startup Visa?
For a Startup Visa you are only required to have enough to make your business plan feasible. Looking to the future, switching from a Startup Visa to a Business Manager Visa requires a minimum of 5M yen capital.