Berlin comuunity gathering
Berlin comuunity gathering

- AsiaBerlin Expansion Lab×Shibuya Startup Support
- 2023 Oct. 04
- 6:30 pm–9:00 pm
- Portal Point Shibuya
AsiaBerlin Expansion Lab and Shibuya Startup Support are teaming up to host a community gathering event at Portal Point on October 4th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
We welcome all innovative startups, investors, and ecosystem builders who have an interest in broadening their connections, not only within Japan and Asia but also throughout the Berlin region. Whether you represent a company or are an investor exploring potential partnerships, we warmly invite you to be part of this event. All presentations will be delivered in English, and if needed, we can provide assistance with straightforward interpretation to enhance the ease of asking questions and engaging in discussions. We look forward to welcoming you!
More info→ Japan Participants overview
[About Expansion Lab]
Expansion Lab is the new format of AsiaBerlin and betahausX – a unique program that provides opportunities for founders, ecosystem builders & research institutions based in Berlin to expand their network in Asia and learn about markets which usually have high barriers of entry. Meet the 12 participants of Expansion Lab, Batch #1 introducing them to the markets of Japan & Korea.
Expansion Labプログラムに参加しているベルリンのスタートアップ企業、SME、エコシステムビルダーが来日するにあたり、Shibuya Startup Support が共催しネットワーキングイベントを実施いたします。
※Expansion Labとは
What to host an event with us?
We organize events to connect movers in the startup ecosystem in Japan and around the world. Are you interested in organizing something through us? Fill out the form and our team will get back to you!