Site Policy


Copyright Policy

The copyright of the information, images, charts, etc. on the Shibuya Startup Support website belongs to the City of Shibuya unless otherwise stated. If you wish to quote, reprint, or reproduce the information, images, charts, etc. on the Shibuya Startup Support website, please contact us for more information. All rights reserved.


Shibuya Startup Supportウェブサイト上の情報・画像・図表等の著作権は、特に明示がない限り、渋谷区が保有します。当該情報・画像・図表等の引用・転載・複製を希望される場合は、お問い合わせください。無断転載を禁じます。

Privacy, Personal Information

With regard to the protection of privacy and personal information, we collect, manage and use such information appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003).



Browsing Environment

At Shibuya Startup Support website, we aim to create pages that conform to HTML4.01, the W3C recommendation.


Shibuya Startup Supportのウェブサイトでは、W3C勧告であるHTML4.01に準拠したページ作りを目指しています。

Recommended Environment

The latest version of OS and browser unless otherwise specified:
- Windows: Microsoft Edge latest version, Google Chrome latest version, Mozilla Firefox latest version
- Mac: Safari latest version, Google Chrome latest version
- Android: Google Chrome latest version
- iOS: Safari latest version
Please note that our website does not support feature phones and Internet Explorer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


- Windows: Microsoft Edge最新版、Google Chrome最新版、Mozilla Firefox最新版
- Mac: Safari最新版、Google Chrome最新版
- Android: Google Chrome最新版
- iOS:Safari最新版
本ウェブサイトは、フィーチャーフォン、Internet Explorerには対応しておりませんのでご注意ください。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。

Code of Conduct


By joining the Shibuya Startup Support (“SSS”) community, you’re expected to respect all community members regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual identity and orientation, disability, nationality, personal appearance, or any other aspects of what we look like, where we come from, or who we are.
This Code of Conduct applies to all community events, related activities, and the entirety of our community, whether digital or in person. Shibuya Startup Support is meant to be a 100% inclusive experience for all our attendees, employees, and contributors.

Shibuya Startup Support(以下「SSS」)のコミュニティに参加することで、性別、人種、民族、宗教、年齢、性自認および性的指向、障害の有無、国籍、身なり、その他、私たちの外見、出身地、または私たちが誰であるかといったあらゆる側面に関わらず、コミュニティメンバー全員を尊重することが求められます。
この行動規範は、オンラインであるか対面かを問わず、すべてのコミュニティのイベント、関連する活動、および私たちのコミュニティ全体に適用されます。Shibuya Startup Supportは、参加者、従業員、貢献者全員にとって100%包括的(インクルーシブ)であることを意図しています。


The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our startup community. We aim to foster collaboration, innovation, and mutual respect.



Our Values

We value diversity and inclusion.
As a Shibuya Startup Support member, you’re expected to respect all individuals regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual identity and orientation, disability, nationality, personal appearance, or any other aspects of what we look like, where we come from, or who we are.
Not only do we completely accept all forms of diversity, but we will also transform that diversity into energy. The strength of everyone who gathers in Shibuya, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other aspect, will be the driving force behind urban development.
1. Respect: treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background, experience, or opinions.
2. Inclusion: embrace diversity and ensure that everyone feels welcomed and valued.
3. Integrity: act with honesty and integrity in all interactions.
4. Collaboration: work together to achieve common goals and support one another.


Shibuya Startup Supportのメンバーとして、性別、人種、民族、宗教、年齢、性自認、性的指向、障害の有無、国籍、外見、出身地、身なり、その他、私たちの外見、出身地、または私たちが誰であるかといったあらゆる側面に関わらず、すべての個人を尊重することが求められます。
1. リスペクト:バックグラウンド、経験、意見に関わらず、すべての人に敬意をもって接します。
2. インクルージョン:多様性を受け入れ、誰もが歓迎され、尊重されていると感じられるようにします。
3. 誠実さ:すべての交流において、正直かつ誠実に行動します。
4. 協力:共通の目標を達成するために協力し、互いに支え合います。

Expected Behavior

・Be considerate and respectful in discussions and interactions.
・Share constructive feedback and ideas with sensitivity.
・Respect different viewpoints and engage in healthy debates.
・Maintain a professional demeanor in all communications.



Unacceptable Behavior

Some examples of disrespectful behavior include (but aren’t limited to):
・Verbal comments reinforcing social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, or religion.
・Deliberate intimidation, discrimination, stalking or bullying.
・Inappropriate physical contact or any other form of harassment.
・Unilateral and unwanted sexual interest.
・Sustained disruption of talks or other events.
・Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviors.
・Other inappropriate behavior deemed by SSS to be equivalent to the above.


・その他、SSS が上記に準ずると判断した不適切な行為.

Reporting Violations

At Shibuya Startup Support, we are deeply committed to maintaining a community that is respectful, inclusive, and safe for all. We wish to reaffirm our stance: any form of harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
If you witness or experience any violations of this Code of Conduct, please report it to us. All reports will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.
Although it may be difficult to recount the incidents you experienced, SSS will be as sensitive and considerate as possible. You may bring someone with you who can support you. You will not be asked to confront anyone, nor will we reveal your identity.
If necessary, with your permission, we will seek the cooperation of the police, lawyers, or public authorities.


Shibuya Startup Supportでは、すべての人が尊重され、包括的で、安全なコミュニティを維持することに深くコミットしています。私たちは、ここに、私たちのスタンスを再確認します。ハラスメントや差別は、いかなる場合においても許されるものではありません。


If SSS determines that a violation of this Code of Conduct has occurred, various actions ranging from a warning to removal from the community may be taken, depending on the severity of the behavior.
Community members who are warned to stop the harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.




By participating in the Shibuya Startup Support community, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and contribute to a positive and inclusive environment.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a pleasant and friendly place for all.


Shibuya Startup Supportコミュニティに参加することで、あなたはこの行動規範を遵守し、ポジティブで包括的な環境に貢献することに同意します。
Shibuya Startup Supportコミュニティが、皆様にとって快適でフレンドリーな場所となるよう、ご協力をお願いいたします.