“BIT VALLEY 2021 #01 Local x Startup” (July 20, 2021) Event Report
「BIT VALLEY 2021 #01 Local × Startup」(2021年7月20日開催)イベントレポート
As part of the “SHIBUYA BIT VALLEY” project, launched in 2018 for networking and information sharing between IT professionals, the first installment of the 7-series conference “BIT VALLEY 2021”, “BIT VALLEY 2021 #01 Local x Startup,” was held on July 20.
Executives from top Japanese IT companies such as CyberAgent, DeNA, GMO Pepabo, Mixi, etc., along with Ken Hasebe, the mayor of Shibuya, and Saeko Seno, the Global City Promotion Office subsection chief and one of Shibuya Startup Support (SSS) core members, took the stage and discussed the theme of “The City and Startup.”
IT業界で働くひと同士の交流や情報共有を目的に、2018年に発足した「SHIBUYA BIT VALLEY」プロジェクト。その一環として、今年は全7回の開催が予定されているオンラインカンファレンス「BIT VALLEY 2021」の1回目「BIT VALLEY 2021 #01 Local × Startup」が7月20日に開催されました。
The conference started with an opening talk by Hasebe, who noted that Shibuya is a relatively new city compared to Kyoto and Kamakura, being only about 100 years old. And that it was built around the approach to Meiji Shrine and a hub station Shibuya that attract new people from outside, and therefore, the city has long been receptive to new things and challenges.
Later in the session “Aiming to be a Startup Friendly City: Shibuya City Office’s Startup Support Strategy,” SSS member Seno introduced the current status of the Office’s efforts and the results so far.
Seno points out that as of July 2021, Shibuya City is home to more than 2,000 startup companies and more than 150 companies listed on the stock exchange (IPO). In addition, the city has 100 shared offices, 60 venture capital organizations, and 8 acceleration programs, making it an outstandingly supportive environment for startups compared to other cities. Furthermore, the Shibuya City Office established a special department to support startups in November 2020 and has started a full-scale project to promote the formation of a startup ecosystem under the themes of “globalization,” “environmental improvement,” “collaboration between companies and local governments,” and “proof-of-concept.”
Seno also introduced “Start-Up Chile,” the Chilean government’s startup incubator program that produced nearly 2,000 startups in 10 years since 2010, and added that more than half of these startups operate today and have generated over 2 Billion USD in value. She spoke of the Shibuya City Office’s ambition to create an ecosystem comparable to the program in Japan and Shibuya. She called for participation in her startup promotion program, saying that it welcomes people willing to work together to create an environment that supports people taking on new challenges in Shibuya.
You can view the archived video of the whole event on YouTube.
渋谷区長・長谷部健とShibuya Startup Support(SSS)の中心メンバーのひとりでもあるグローバル拠点都市推進室係長の瀬野小枝子が参加したほか、サイバーエージェント、ディー・エヌ・エー、GMOペパボ、ミクシィなど日本を代表するIT企業のトップ人材が登壇し、「街とStartup」というテーマで講演しました。
その後、『スタートアップフレンドリーな街を目指して ~渋谷区のスタートアップ支援戦略~』では、瀬野からスタートアップエコシステム形成促進への区の取り組みの現状とその成果についての紹介をしました。
締めくくりとして、2010年から10年間で2,000近くのスタートアップを輩出し、うち半数以上が現在も存続、2,000億円を超える価値を生み出した、チリ政府のスタートアップインキュベータープログラム「Start-Up Chile」を例にとり、瀬野は日本や渋谷でこれに比肩する規模のエコシステムを生み出したいと抱負を語り、渋谷で新しいことに挑戦する人々を支える環境を一緒に作っていきたいとして、渋谷区のスタートアップ促進事業への参加を広く呼びかけました。