Shibuya City and WeWork Japan to collaborate in forming a startup ecosystem and implementing new ways of working
渋谷区とWeWork Japanが、スタートアップエコシステム形成と新しい働き方の実現のための相互連携に関する覚書を締結

Hello everyone.
Shibuya Startup Support’s goal is to give rise to and develop an international startup community in Shibuya. So, this time, I’m going to talk about the partnership between the Shibuya City Office and WeWork Japan LLC, which will significantly help set the environment for our initiative. The two parties signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate and collaborate on October 15, 2020.
皆さんこんにちは。 Shibuya Startup Supportのゴールは、渋谷に国際的なスタートアップコミュニティを形成し、発展させることですが、今回はその環境づくりを大きく前進させる、渋谷区とWeWork Japan合同会社とのパートナーシップについてお話しします。
As you know, WeWork is the largest membership-based coworking space provider and it has it roots in New York City, one of the great startup cities. Here in Shibuya, WeWork has the largest location in Japan with over 3,500 seats across six floors, including the top 45th here at Shibuya Scramble Square. The ideal location it provides and the connections to its members’ international startup community will be a great addition to the Shibuya City Office’s efforts in promoting startups here locally.
We are living in an age where remote communication became a norm due to the pandemic. Still, a particular “empathy” that comes from sharing a “place” or “space” can sometimes be a significant driving force. Even something as simple as face-to-face mentoring, brainstorming, or having a cup of coffee together can be a valuable time. We are planning to co-sponsor events in the future and will share them with you here on this website as soon as we make progress. Please stay tuned.
パンデミックがきっかけとなり、リモートのコミュニケーションが定着した現在でも、「場」や「空間」を共にすることによって生まれるある種の「共感」は、ときに大きな推進力を発揮します。対面でのメンタリングやブレインストーミング、あるいは一緒にコーヒーを飲むようなちょっとしたことでさえも貴重な時間になります。 今後は共催のイベントも企画していきますので、進展がありしだい、随時このウェブサイトで皆さんと共有する予定です。ご期待ください。