Shibuya City Makes a Step Forward to Become a World-Class Innovation City by Bringing an Incubation Program for Women From Silicon Valley!
世界レベルのイノベーション都市を目指して 米国シリコンバレー発の女性起業家育成プログラム始動!

Shibuya City has launched a program to support women entrepreneurs in Japan by hosting the “Amelias” program with Kobe City and Sapporo City to build an international startup ecosystem. The action builds on the efforts of “Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan,” an organization founded by originally Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur Ari Horie, supporting women entrepreneurs worldwide. The program helps Japanese women founders and fosters an environment for them.
国際的なスタートアップ・エコシステム構築を目指す渋谷区は、米国シリコンバレーを拠点に世界中の女性起業家支援を行ってきた堀江 愛利氏が設立した「Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan」の日本での活動“Amelias”(アメリアス)を通して、日本の女性起業家の支援、環境作りを推進するプログラムを、神戸市・札幌市と共に開催します。
Women who live, study or work in Shibuya City (and Tokyo), Kobe City (and Hyogo Prefecture), and Sapporo City (and Hokkaido) or those who registered a corporation (including planned registration) will be given priority to participate in the program, providing an opportunity for women entrepreneurs to gather and interact.
We aim to create innovation from a DE&I (**) perspective in women’s entrepreneurship through this program.
** What is DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)?
It is a vision that aspires for diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in society. It is also the effort to set up an environment that understands and appropriately supports the different needs of diverse people, regardless of gender, race, age, nationality, etc., to help them grow and participate in and contribute to society.
[About The Program]
1. Program for high school students
The “Entrepreneurship Academy” and “Entrepreneurship Challenge” are startup-simulating programs that allow students to uncover their own “Crazy” and expand their possibilities. These hands-on exercises are designed for high school students to learn entrepreneurship (as a mindset) and entrepreneurial ideas, and then take on the challenge of starting up a business. The program invites lecturers who are active in Japan and abroad.
Target: High school students aged 16 to 18 who identify themselves as female.
Schedule: “Entrepreneurship Academy”
(1) June 12, 2022 (Sun.) 9:00-12:00: Open! Mindset
(2) June 19, 2022 (Sun.) 9:00-12:00: Let’s get it out! Ideas
(3) June 26, 2022 (Sun.) 9:00-12:00: Let’s say it, let’s listen! Advice
** Held both online and offline in Tokyo, Kobe City, and Sapporo City.
Schedule: “Entrepreneurship Challenge”
(4) July 16, 2022 (Sun.)8:00 – 20:00: Entrepreneurship Program + Teamwork to start a business
(5) July 17, 2022 (Sun.) 8:00 – 20:00: Entrepreneurial work in teams + Learning presentation
** Held offline only in Tokyo, Kobe City, and Sapporo City (venue details to be provided individually after application).
Entry Fee: 3,300 yen (for those who live/study/work in Tokyo, Hyogo, or Hokkaido). Tax included(Regular participation fee: 16,500 yen)
Capacity: 50 people (Tokyo only)
Application Deadline: May 31, 2022 (Tuesday)
Application Form:高校生プログラム
2. Program for Women Entrepreneurs
Two programs are offered: (1) “First Time Entrepreneur Program” for those interested in starting a business, and (2) “Amelias Entrepreneur Summit” for those who have already started a business and are considering expanding. These programs include workshops to hone ideas for starting a business, mentor sessions to provide hints for business expansion, and issue-specific workshops.
Entrepreneurs and lecturers active in Japan and abroad are also invited to participate in the program.
2-1. “First Time Entrepreneur Program”
This program is designed for women interested in starting their own business (those who have already started their own business are also welcome to participate).
(1) June 14, 2022 (Tue.) 20:00-22:00: Let’s know! Various types of entrepreneurship
(2) June 21, 2022 (Tue.) 20:00-22:00: Let’s think about it! What kind of entrepreneurship suits you?
(3) June 28, 2022 (Tue.) 20:00-22:00: Let’s make the most of it! Your Power
** (1)~(3) are held online only.
(4) July 23, 2022 (Sat.) 9:00-18:30: Amelias Entrepreneur Summit
(5) July 24, 2022 (Sun.) 9:00-18:30: Amelias Entrepreneur Summit
** (4) & (5) are held offline only in Tokyo, Kobe City, and Sapporo City (venue details to be provided individually after application).
Entry Fee: 5,500 yen (for those who live/study/work in Tokyo, Hyogo, or Hokkaido). Tax included(Regular participation fee: 38,500 yen)
Capacity: 50 people (In the case of Tokyo)
Application Deadline: May 31, 2022 (Tue.)
Application Form:はじめての起業
2-2. “Amelias Entrepreneur Summit”
Target: Those who self-identify as female and have already started a business and are thinking about expanding it.
Schedule: “Amelias Entrepreneurship Summit”
(1) July 22, 2022 (Fri.) 17:30 -: Reception Party
(2) July 23, 2022 (Sat.) 9:00-18:30: Intensive Entrepreneurial Sessions
(3) July 24, 2022 (Sun.) 9:00-18:30: Intensive Entrepreneurial Sessions
(4) July 25, 2022 (Mon.) 8:30-16:30: Mentor Day/Networking/Investor Interviews
** All held offline only in Omotesando, Tokyo (venue details to be provided after application).
Entry Fee: 11,000 yen (for those who live/study/work in Tokyo, Hyogo, or Hokkaido). Tax included(Regular participation fee: 55,000 yen)
Capacity: 10 (In the case of Tokyo)
Application Deadline: June 30, 2022 (Tue.)
Application Form:女性起業家プログラム
About Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan
Name: Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan(Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan)
Representative Director: Ari Horie
Address: 6-23-4 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Ari started her career as a social accelerator in 2013 in Silicon Valley, U.S. With her global perspectives and networks, she has first-hand knowledge and a track record for accelerating the world’s top entrepreneurs and social innovation.
In March 2022, she established a corporation in Japan and began its activities under an initiative named “Amelias.” With its slogan, “Think Crazy; Your Enthusiasm Creates the Future,” Amelias will support women entrepreneurs in Japan, from discovering their entrepreneurial mindset to supporting them before and after they actually start their own businesses.
About Ms. Ari Horie
Representative Director of Women’s Startup Lab. She graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, in 1997. In 2013, she founded Women’s Startup Lab, the first female-focused accelerator in Silicon Valley, based on her career at IBM and other startups. The company trains female entrepreneurs from around the world and supports their ventures. While maintaining a deep and dense network in Silicon Valley, she has garnered attention for her training programs based on a unique method that includes mindset change that encourages personal revolution. She has recently been involved in many corporate executive/leadership development programs to accelerate innovation and received much praise from participants. In recognition of her achievements, she has been chosen as one of CNN’s “10 Visionary Women,” Marie Claire’s “20 Women Who Are Changing the Ratio,” and Entrepreneur Magazine’s “100 Powerful Women of 2020.” On March 8, 2022, Mattel, known for its Barbie dolls, enlisted her in the “Role Models” line of dolls featuring women breaking boundaries to inspire the next generation of girls. In 2022, she will launch the project “Amelias” for women and high school students in Japan.
※1DE&I(ダイバーシティ、エクイティ アンド インクルージョン)とは
自らの”Crazy (夢中)“と出会い、可能性を広げる起業体験プログラム「起業アカデミー」と「起業チャレンジ」を実施。起業家精神(アントレプレナーシップ・マインドセット)、起業のアイディア出し等を学んだのち、事業の立ち上げに挑戦する実践型プログラムです。国内外で活躍する講師らも招いてプログラムを実施します。
【対象者】 自己認識が女性で、16歳~18歳の高校生
■ 起業アカデミー
■ 起業チャレンジ
④7月16日(土) 8:00〜20:00:起業プログラム+チームで起業作業
⑤7月17日(日) 8:00〜20:00:チームで起業作業+学び発表会
①~③オンライン 及び東京都 ・神戸市・札幌市の各会場
【参加費】 3,300円(東京都・兵庫県・北海道に居住・在学・在勤の方。税込み)
(通常参加費 16,500円)
【定員】 50人(東京枠)
【募集期間】 5月31日(火)まで
【応募方法】 応募フォーム:高校生プログラム
【対象者】 自己認識が女性で、起業に興味のある方(既に起業している方も参加可)
④7月23日(土) 9:00-18:30:Amelias起業家サミット
⑤7月24日(日) 9:00-18:30:Amelias起業家サミット
④⑤東京都(表参道) ・神戸市・札幌市の各会場(詳細は応募後個別連絡)
【参加費】 5,500円(東京都・兵庫県・北海道に居住・在学・在勤の方。税込み)
(通常参加費 38,500円)
【定員】 50人(東京枠)
【募集期間】 5月31日(火)まで
【応募方法】 応募フォーム:はじめての起業
【対象者】 自己認識が女性で、すでに起業し事業の拡大を考えている方
【開催日】 Amelias起業サミット
②7月23日(土) 9:00-18:30:アントレプレナー集中セッション
③7月24日(日) 9:00-18:30:アントレプレナー集中セッション
④7月25日(月) 8:30-16:30:メンターデー/ネットワーキング/投資家面談
【場所】 東京(表参道)(詳細は応募後個別連絡)
【参加費】 11,000円(東京都・兵庫県・北海道に居住・在学・在勤の方。税込み)
(通常参加費 55,000円)
【定員】 10人(東京枠)
【募集期間】 6月30日(木)まで
【応募方法】 応募フォーム:女性起業家プログラム
■Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japanについて
【名称】一般社団法人Women’s Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan
(ウィメンズ スタートアップ ラボインパクトファウンデーションジャパン)
【代表】堀江 愛利
2022年3月に日本にも法人を設立し活動を開始。「Amelias(アメリアス)」という活動名で 「Think Crazy, あなたの夢中が、未来をつくる。」をコンセプトに、人々の起業家マインドの発掘から、実際の起業前後の支援までを一貫して行い、日本で女性の起業をサポートしていく。
Women’s Startup Lab 代表取締役。1997 年にカリフォルニア州立大学を卒業。米国IBMを経て、数々のスタートアップでのキャリアをもとに、2013 年、米シリコンバレー初の女性に特化したアクセラレーター、「 Women’s Startup Lab」 を創業。世界中から集まる女性起業家の育成やベンチャー支援を行う。シリコンバレーに深く密なネットワークを持ちながら、一人一人の革命を促すマインドセット変革を含む独自メソッドによる育成プログラムで注目を集めると共に、近年はイノベーション加速を目的とした企業のエグゼクティブ/リーダー育成に多く携わり、参加者から多大な評価を受けている。その功績を称えられ、CNN「10 Visionary Women(10 人のビジョナリーウーマン)」、マリ・クレール誌「20 Women Who Are Changing the Ratio(男女比を変える 20 人の女性)」、Entrepreneur Magazine「100 Powerful Women of 2020」など、多くの賞を受賞。2022年3月8日には、「境界を突破し、次世代に希望を与える女性」として、バービー人形で知られるマテル社より、『ロールモデル』シリーズの一員として、日本人起業家として初めて選出され、益々の活動が期待される。2022年春より、日本の女性、高校生を対象に、プロジェクト「Amelias」を始動する