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  • Shibuya City Office Appoints Ari Horie as a Startup Ecosystem DE&I Special Advisor to Promote the Diversification of the Startup Community
  • 渋谷区はスタートアップ・コミュニティの多様化を推進するため堀江愛利氏をスタートアップ・エコシステムDE&Iスペシャルアドバイザーとして任命します。
  • 2022.04.07

Shibuya City Office Appoints Ari Horie as a Startup Ecosystem DE&I Special Advisor to Promote the Diversification of the Startup Community


Shibuya City Office has appointed Ms. Airi Horie, founder of the Women’s Startup Lab, Silicon Valley’s first accelerator dedicated to women entrepreneurs in the tech sector, as a Startup Ecosystem DE&I Special Advisor.

渋谷区は、シリコンバレーで初となるTech系の女性起業家に特化したアクセラレーター「Women’s Startup Lab」創設者である堀江愛利氏を、 スタートアップ・エコシステム DE&Iスペシャルアドバイザーとして任命します。

Shibuya City established the “Global Hub City Promotion Office” in FY2021 to build an international startup ecosystem. It since has been involved in the “Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya,” a demonstration project for startups, and the “Shibuya Startup Deck,” a consortium that aims to build an ecosystem through a public-private partnership. It also started to issue Startup Visas for overseas startups to help establish their businesses in Japan.


In alignment with these initiatives, we aim to create an environment where women entrepreneurs and people from various backgrounds can equally take on the challenges of creating world-class companies, not just economic success. In this spirit, we are pleased to announce that Ari, who has worked hard to foster women entrepreneurs and create an environment for their growth in Silicon Valley, has joined our team as an advisor. Together, we will be promoting a diverse ecosystem.


Specifically, we will work with Ari to create a vision for creating a startup ecosystem from a DE&I perspective. We will clarify the goals we are aiming for and work with various stakeholders to create a diverse ecosystem in collaboration with the public, private, and academic sectors.


We will also formulate DE&I Guidelines to guide us in doing so. Even in Silicon Valley, the home of startups, the gender ratio within companies is an issue. Still, we believe that by creating guidelines, we can make each person more involved, including investors, entrepreneurs, and employees, and become more aware of DE&I.

渋谷区では、令和3年度より、国際的なスタートアップ・エコシステム構築を目指して、「グローバル拠点都市推進室」を立ち上げました。これまで、スタートアップ向け実証実験事業「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」や、官民連携でエコシステム構築を目指すコンソーシアム「Shibuya Startup Deck」の運営、さらにはスタートアップビザの運用による海外スタートアップ企業招致等を行ってきました。





** What is DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)?


It is a vision that aspires for diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in society. It is also the effort to set up an environment that understands and appropriately supports the different needs of diverse people, regardless of gender, race, age, nationality, etc., to help them grow and participate in and contribute to society.


Women’s Startup Lab 代表取締役。1997 年にカリフォルニア州立大学を卒業。米国IBMを経て、数々のスタートアップでのキャリアをもとに、2013 年、米シリコンバレー初の女性に特化したアクセラレーター、「 Women’s Startup Lab」 を創業。世界中から集まる女性起業家の育成やベンチャー支援を行う。シリコンバレーに深く密なネットワークを持ちながら、一人一人の革命を促すマインドセット変革を含む独自メソッドによる育成プログラムで注目を集めると共に、近年はイノベーション加速を目的とした企業のエグゼクティブ/リーダー育成に多く携わり、参加者から多大な評価を受けている。その功績を称えられ、CNN「10 Visionary Women(10 人のビジョナリーウーマン)」、マリ・クレール誌「20 Women Who Are Changing the Ratio(男女比を変える 20 人の女性)」、Entrepreneur Magazine「100 Powerful Women of 2020」など、多くの賞を受賞。2022年3月8日には、「境界を突破し、次世代に希望を与える女性」として、バービー人形で知られるマテル社より、『ロールモデル』シリーズの一員として、日本人起業家として初めて選出され、益々の活動が期待される。2022年春より、日本の女性、高校生を対象に、プロジェクト「Amelias」を始動する。

About Ms. Ari Horie

Representative Director of Women’s Startup Lab. She graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, in 1997. In 2013, she founded Women’s Startup Lab, the first female-focused accelerator in Silicon Valley, based on her career at IBM and other startups. The company trains female entrepreneurs from around the world and supports their ventures. While maintaining a deep and dense network in Silicon Valley, she has garnered attention for her training programs based on a unique method that includes mindset change that encourages personal revolution. She has recently been involved in many corporate executive/leadership development programs to accelerate innovation and received much praise from participants. In recognition of her achievements, she has been chosen as one of CNN’s “10 Visionary Women,” Marie Claire’s “20 Women Who Are Changing the Ratio,” and Entrepreneur Magazine’s “100 Powerful Women of 2020.” On March 8, 2022, Mattel, known for its Barbie dolls, enlisted her in the “Role Models” line of dolls featuring women breaking boundaries to inspire the next generation of girls. In 2022, she will launch the project “Amelias” for women and high school students in Japan.


Comments from Ms. Ari Horie

I am honored to be the DE&I Special Advisor for Shibuya City Office, a city that values diversity. Having started my own business while raising my own children, and having supported women entrepreneurs from around the world, I hope to help create an environment where everyone living and working in Shibuya can pursue what they are passionate about, regardless of whether they are male or female.


Comments from Ken Hasebe, the Mayor of Shibuya City

As “a city where differences can become strengths,” Shibuya City has always wanted to create a diverse environment for startups. With Ari, who has supported women worldwide from Silicon Valley, the home of startups, we will make further efforts to create an environment where all people, including women with aspirations, can equally take on challenges.



「ちがいを ちからに 変える街。」を未来像に掲げてきた渋谷区として、スタートアップの環境にも多様性を持たせたいと考えていました。スタートアップの本場シリコンバレーから世界の女性を応援してきた堀江さんにお力添えをいただきながら、想いを持った女性をはじめ、あらゆる人が等しく挑戦できる環境作りにより一層邁進してまいります。

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