Women's Entrepreneur & VC Program: Online Talk Event by Female VCs
As part of its program to support female entrepreneurs and venture capitalists (VCs), Shibuya City will host an online talk event featuring female VCs in August.
Four female VCs, each with diverse backgrounds—including experience at major companies and startups—will share their career journeys and the highlights of their work in a panel discussion.
VCs play a crucial role as partners for startup founders, and the presence of women in the VC industry is expected to increase. If you're interested in working as a venture capitalist or considering a career in VC, we would love to invite you to this event!
Event Details
- Date and Time: Thursday, August 29, 2024, 18:30-20:00 (online webinar format)
- Main Target Audience: Students and young professionals interested in venture capitalist positions in VC
- Speakers:
- Emizu Kondo, Capitalist, Gazelle Capital
- Ayaka Nanazato, Associate, Canal Ventures
- Kaori Suzuki, Associate, XTech Ventures
- Misuzu Matsumoto, Associate, Incubate Fund
- Application: Free of charge, advance registration required (closes at 15:00 on Wednesday, August 28)
Gazelle Capital キャピタリスト 近藤 絵水
Canal Ventures アソシエイト 七里 綾香
XTech Ventures アソシエイト 鈴木 かおり
インキュベイトファンド アソシエイト 松本 美鈴