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  • A number of projects chosen for Shibuya City’s “Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya” public-private partnership open innovation program participated in the “NEW NORMAL LAB Shibuya” demonstration event held on March 2, 2021, sponsored by the METI.
  • 経済産業省の主催の実証イベント「NEW NORMAL LAB 渋谷」に、渋谷区の官民連携オープンイノベーション「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」採択プロジェクトが多数参加

A number of projects chosen for Shibuya City’s “Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya” public-private partnership open innovation program participated in the “NEW NORMAL LAB Shibuya” demonstration event held on March 2, 2021, sponsored by the METI.

経済産業省の主催の実証イベント「NEW NORMAL LAB 渋谷」に、渋谷区の官民連携オープンイノベーション「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」採択プロジェクトが多数参加

Many residents and businesses in Shibuya City are going through a difficult time accepting the numerous restrictions associated with the spread of the novel coronavirus and the so-called “new normal” lifestyle. In response to this, Shibuya City has been working under the slogan, “Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya.” As previously featured in a TOPICS article, Shibuya City Office accepts applications from startups, universities, and research institutes for technologies and solutions that can turn this difficult situation into opportunities and advance society. Shibuya City Office selected twelve projects in the first call for proposals held last June (2020).


Since then, preparation for the PoC has been underway with our partners (some have already been done). On March 2, 2021, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) organized “NEW NORMAL LAB Shibuya,” an open innovation demonstration event in which the entire Shibuya City was treated as one big laboratory. We are pleased to announce several of our selected twelve projects had an opportunity to participate in this event.

以来、PoC実施の会場など、パートナーと調整しながら採択プロジェクトの実証実験の準備を進めていますが(一部は実施済み)、2021年3月2日に経済産業省が主催した、渋谷区全体をひとつのラボ(実験室)として捉えたオープンイノベーション実証イベント「NEW NORMAL LAB 渋谷」に複数のプロジェクトが参加しました。

The following are the projects that participated in NEW NORMAL LAB Shibuya with the support of partners and facilities in Shibuya City (in parentheses).


1.Luup, Inc.: Electric kickboard sharing service (WeWork Iceberg)

2.Vacan, Inc.: Displays the availability of Shibuya City Office restrooms on smartphones and tablets (Shibuya City Office / SHIBU HACHI BOX)

3.AWL, inc.: AI-powered thermal camera that enables advanced body temperature detection, even over masks and with multiple people (Shibuya Hikarie / Plug and Play Shibuya)

4.Timeleap, Inc.: Remote service platform “RURA” that enables face-to-face customer service across multiple stores (Plug and Play Shibuya)

5.Tokyu Corporation: Exhibition of “Satellite Biz Liner,” a WiFi-equipped commuter bus that connects the Den-en-toshi Line suburban area with Shibuya Station and Tokyo Station. It can also be used as a moving shared office (Shibuya Fukuras 1F bus terminal)

6.Donuts Co. Ltd.: Introducing the SAVE LIVEHOUSE PROJECT on the digital signage along with the actual live streaming (Shibuya Fukuras outdoor vision)

7.SEQSENSE Inc.: Demonstration of the autonomous security robot (Plug and Play Shibuya)

8.ChiCaRo: ChiCaRo, a childcare support robot in use at an actual nursery school (Shibuya Hikawa Nursery School).

9.WFrontier Inc.: Introducing the “twidy” shopping service (Life Shibuya Higashi Store)

10.PLANTIO, Inc.: IoT planter that visualizes optimal watering timing and germination timing (Plug and Play Shibuya)

11.WOTA CORP.: “WOSH,” a hand-washing stand that can be placed where there’s no water supply (Miyashita Park, Shibuya Ward)


I am pleased that the startup projects that came forward in support of Shibuya City’s forward-looking initiatives have steadily advanced to the stage of social implementation and have had the opportunity to be seen by people who work or live in this city.

The “Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya,” a public-private open innovation project, is still accepting applications for participation. If you have an idea or solution to create a better society and would like to participate in this initiative, please send your application from the “Entry” section of the official page of Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya (you need to register before submitting your application).

As of March 2021, we are looking for the following solutions, especially in the fields of welfare and environmental policy:



・ Services that can improve and ensure the health, safety, and security of the elderly through the use of smartphones

・ Services that make the elderlies who do not use smartphones want to use them every day


Environmental policy

・ Establishment and operation of a system in which residents and businesses in the neighborhood can instantly and effectively utilize renewable energy stored in batteries and other devices

・ Technologies and solutions for the realization of a decarbonized society with renewable energy at its core

・ Surveys of wildlife habitats and their methods for the conservation of biodiversity


If you have any issue applying for this call (for example, the entire process is expected to be in Japanese), please contact us at Shibuya Startup Support via the CONTACT US form (select “about PoC with Shibuya City” from “Inquiry type”). The Startup Welcome Service and Shibuya City will provide full support.

以下に、パートナーや渋谷区内の施設(カッコ内)の支援のもと、「NEW NORMAL LAB 渋谷」に参加したプロジェクトをご紹介します:

  1. 株式会社Luup:レンタル電動キックボード(WeWork アイスバーグ)
  2. 株式会社バカン:スマホやタブレットで渋谷区役所トイレの空き状況を表示(渋谷区役所 / SHIBU HACHI BOX:サービス紹介)
  3. AWL株式会社:マスクの上からでも、複数人でも、高度な体温検知を可能にするAI搭載のサーマルカメラ(渋谷ヒカリエ / Plug and Play Shibuya)
  4. タイムリープ株式会社:複数店舗をまたいだ接客を実現する遠隔接客サービス「RURA」(Plug and Play Shibuya)
  5. 東急株式会社:田園都市線郊外エリアと渋谷駅‐東京駅を結ぶWiFi完備の通勤バス「Satellite Biz Liner」の展示。動くシェアオフィスとしての利用も可能(渋谷フクラス1Fバスターミナル)
  6. 株式会社Donuts:サイネージを使ってSAVE LIVEHOUSE PROJECTの概要を説明。あわせて実際のライブ配信の様子も(渋谷フクラス屋外ビジョン)
  7. SEQSENSE株式会社:ロボットが施設内を自動で動き実際に警備(Plug and Play Shibuya)
  8. 株式会社ChiCaRo::子育て支援ロボットのChiCaRoが実際の保育園に登場(渋谷区氷川保育園)
  9. ダブルフロンティア株式会社:買い物代行サービス「ツイディ」を紹介(ライフ渋谷東店)
  10. プランティオ株式会社:最適な水やりタイミングや発芽時期を可視化するIoTプランター(Plug and Play Shibuya)
  11. WOTA株式会社:水道要らずの手洗いスタンド「WOSH」(渋谷区立宮下公園)


官民連携オープンイノベーション「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」では、参加プロジェクトを引き続き募集中です。より良い社会をつくるためのアイデアやソリューションをお持ちで、こうした取り組みに参加したいと思われるスタートアップは、「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」公式サイトの「エントリー」セクションからぜひご応募ください(応募にはサイトに登録する必要があります)。


・ 高齢者がスマートフォンを活用することにより、健康増進や安全安心の確保が図れるサービス
・ スマートフォンをあまり利用しない高齢者が毎日使いたくなるようなサービス

・ 蓄電池などで溜めた再生可能エネルギーを、近隣の住民や事業者が瞬時に有効活用しあう仕組みの構築とその運用
・ 再生可能エネルギーを核とした脱炭素社会の実現に向けた技術や解決方法
・ 生物多様性の保全に向けた野生生物の生息調査や、その調査方法

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