A Partnership Between Shibuya City and Mizuho Bank Will Speed up the Opening of Corporate Accounts for Startups

The next step for a startup company that has just completed its corporate registration is to open a corporate bank account. In recent years, however, the screening process has become stricter to prevent the transfer of criminal proceeds and money laundering. It has become one of the major obstacles for startup companies, which often start their business in shared offices. Therefore, Shibuya City has teamed up with Mizuho Bank to support opening a corporate account with less time (from about three months to a minimum of two weeks).
The process is as follows:
- Contact Shibuya City using the “CONTACT US” form**
- Submit the necessary documents to Shibuya City:
- Copy of a registration certificate (Certificate of All Historical Matters)
- Business plan
- Personal identification documents
- Documents screening by Shibuya City
- Confirmation of screening results by Mizuho Bank
- Visit Mizuho Bank with the following documents and complete the procedures for opening an account:
- Copy of a registration certificate (Certificate of All Historical Matters)
- Personal identification documents
- Personal seal
** Please select “about opening of corporate accounts” from the “Inquiry type” on the “CONTACT US” form.
Opening a corporate account requires various examinations, including background (e.g., anti-social) checks and reviewing the business’s actual status. With the Shibuya City Office taking in some of the tasks, such as the business plan screening, which takes less than a week, Mizuho Bank can take less process time (reduced to the minimum one week), accelerating the overall process to a minimum of two weeks. This kind of support for opening a bank account for a startup company through a partnership between a local city office and a bank is a pioneering effort in Japan. We hope that this will make the first step smoother for you. It is an excellent addition to what we are starting to provide at Shibuya Startup Support, including the support for office/housing and bank loans, as well as the “Startup Welcome Service,” an aggregated support service for overseas startups.
- 「CONTACT US」フォームから渋谷区に問い合わせ※
- 必要書類を渋谷区に提出
- 登記簿謄本(履歴事項全部証明書)
- 事業計画書
- 本人確認資料
- 渋谷区による書類審査
- みずほ銀行による審査結果の確認
- 以下を持参の上、みずほ銀行に来店し口座開設の手続き
- 登記簿謄本(履歴事項全部証明書)
- 本人確認資料
- 印鑑
※「CONTACT US」フォームの「お問い合わせ種別」から「法人口座開設サポート」を選択してお問い合わせください。
法人口座の開設には、身元(反社会的勢力など)や事業実態のチェックなど、さまざまな審査が必要ですが、渋谷区が事業計画のスクリーニング(1週間以内)などを分担することで、みずほ銀行の作業を最短1週間までに軽減し、審査プロセス全体として最短2週間まで短縮します。このような、自治体と銀行の連携によるスタートアップ企業の口座開設支援は全国でも先駆けとなる取り組みで、これにより、最初の一歩がよりスムーズになることを願っています。私たちShibuya Startup Supportが順次提供を始めているオフィスや住居、銀行融資のサポート、ならびに海外スタートアップ向けのワンストップサービス「Startup Welcome Service」とあわせ、ぜひご活用ください。