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  • Call for Startups With New Ideas or Solutions To Innovate From the New Public-Private Open Innovation Base “Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan” (April through August 2021)
  • 官民連携の新しいオープンイノベーション拠点「Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan」を活用して自社の新しいアイデアやソリューションを具現化したいスタートアップ企業を公募します(期間:2021年4月〜8月)

Call for Startups With New Ideas or Solutions To Innovate From the New Public-Private Open Innovation Base “Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan” (April through August 2021)

官民連携の新しいオープンイノベーション拠点「Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan」を活用して自社の新しいアイデアやソリューションを具現化したいスタートアップ企業を公募します(期間:2021年4月〜8月)

We introduced the public-private consortium Shibuya Startup Deck (a.k.a. Shibudeck) in our recent TOPICS. Today, we are pleased to announce that the Shibuya City Office and five of the members of the Shibudeck (“Joint Management”) have established “Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan,” a new open innovation base that promotes the public-private partnership. The Shibudeck members participating in the Joint Management are Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Company, Ltd., NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Compasso Certified Public Tax Accountants, TSUKURUBA Inc. The base will be operational from April 1, 2021.

先日のTOPICSでご紹介した官民連携のコンソーシアム「Shibuya Startup Deck(通称:シブデック)」メンバーの、あいおいニッセイ同和損害保険株式会社、株式会社NTTドコモ、コンパッソ税理士法人、株式会社ツクルバ、パーソルテンプスタッフ株式会社と渋谷区(以下、「共同運営会社」)が、新しい官民連携のオープンイノベーション拠点「Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan」を開設し、2021年4月1日より運営する運びとなりました。

Open innovation is a methodology that combines diverse knowledge and expertise through participation from different industries and fields to foster innovation, such as new businesses, solutions, and social implementation. By sharing this new open innovation base as a satellite office between startups, staff from private companies with various backgrounds, and personnel from Shibuya City Office, we aim to create new businesses through informal daily communication.

To launch this project, we invite startup companies with new ideas and solutions to move into this base and work together to create innovation. The selected companies will receive support from Joint Management and Shibuya City Office within arm’s length of each other with the right to use the Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan free of charge for six months from April 1, 2021 (up to three people per company).

This base is a redefinition of “co-ba jinnan,” a membership-based shared office operated by TSUKURUBA Inc.., a Joint Management member, as a home for innovation through public-private collaboration. It is in a convenient location with just a 5-minute walk from Shibuya Station.

Remote work is now the norm for agile startups, and there are more and more cases where they don’t even have an office. However, for diverse talents to align and work to solve a problem, it is beneficial to share the same space. Shibuya City Office and Shibudeck aim to foster a startup ecosystem by creating a community with mutual aid and a startup-friendly environment. This base is an essential step toward achieving this goal.


Application requirements and selection conditions:

1. Companies that have solutions or ideas in the following areas related to the Shibuya City Office’s core visions

・Childcare and education


・Sports, health

・Disaster prevention, environment

・Community design

・Culture and entertainment

・Industrial Promotion (Business Support)

2. Companies that fit the concept of a “startup” as envisioned by the Shibuya Startup Deck with the potential to grow further in the future

3. Companies that agree with the purpose of the open innovation base and are willing to take advantage of it. Such companies are:

・Open to business synergy and collaboration through the cross-industrial exchange

・Ready to use the base as a community space rather than a workspace

・Prepared to actively, rather than passively, communicate with other companies

4. Businesses that are unique and contribute to solving social issues


Application period and method of application:

Application period: February 25, 2021 – March 12, 2021

How to apply: On the “CONTACT US” form, please select “Other” from the “Inquiry Type” and indicate in the body of the message that you are applying for the Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan.

You will be asked to submit a proposal in due course. The proposal can be in any format, but the following items are required.

・Company name

・Year of establishment

・Number of employees

・Name of representative

・Contact person’s name and contact information (phone, email)

・Project summary (what you want to do in Shibuya)

・Reference materials (PowerPoint/PDF, etc.)


Selection flow:

1st screening (document review) –> 2nd screening (pitch) –> Final decision


Privileges for selected companies:

・Move into Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan (April through August 2021)

・Support from the Joint Management (support includes each company’s expertise and network)

・Support for PoC projects in Shibuya


Office Details:

Name: Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan

Location: Daiichishimizu Building 3F, 1-20-2 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Office Space: 147 sq. meter


Primary use:

・Collaboration and new business creation between Joint Management members across various industries

・New business development through collaboration between startups and Joint Management members

・Collaboration between startup companies


この企画の始動にあたり、本拠点に入居して一緒にイノベーション創出に取り組んでいただける、新しいアイデアやソリューションを持つスタートアップ企業を公募します。期間は2021年4月から8月までの5か月間で、採択企業には各企業と渋谷区からの手の届く距離でのサポートのほか、Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnanに2021年4月1日起算で6か月間無料で入居する権利(各社3名まで)をご提供します。

本拠点は、共同運営会社の1社である株式会社ツクルバが会員制シェアオフィスとして運用してきた「co-ba jinnan」をスタートアップのための官民連携のオープンイノベーションの場として再定義したもので、渋谷駅から徒歩5分の便利なロケーションにあります。


1. 以下に挙げる、渋谷区の基本構想に関わる分野に沿ったソリューションまたはアイデアを有している企業:
2. 「既存の考えに囚われず挑戦する」というShibuya Startup Deckが想定する「スタートアップ」の概念に合致し、今後更なる成長が見込まれる企業本拠点の趣旨に賛同し、本拠点を活用する企業
3. 本拠点の趣旨に賛同し、本拠点を活用する企業
4. 事業に独自性があり、社会課題の解決に資すること

応募方法:「CONTACT US」フォームの「お問い合わせ種別」から「その他」を選択し、本文中に「Shibuya Inclusion Base Jinnan応募」の旨記載ください。
応募に際しては、追って企画書をご提出いただきます。 企画書のフォーマットは問いませんが、下記項目が必須ですのでご準備ください:
1. 企業名
2. 設立年
3. 従業員数
4. 代表者名
5. 担当者名、コンタクト情報(電話、メール)
6. プロジェクト要旨(渋谷でやりたいこと)
7. 参考資料(PowerPoint/PDF等)

1次審査(書類審査)> 2次審査(ピッチ)> 決定

・Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnanへの入居(2021年4月〜8月)

名称: Shibuya Inclusion Base jinnan
所在地: 東京都渋谷区神南1-20-2 第一清水ビル3階
面積: 44.5坪

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