Event report: HackSummit & Visit to EPFL Innovation Park

On May 11th and 12th 2023, Shibuya Startup Support went to HackSummit, a startup conference dedicated to food tech and climate tech in Lausanne, Switzerland. We also visited EPFL Innovation Park at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.
Shibuya Startup Support(以下、SSS)は、2023年5月11日-12日にスイス・ローザンヌで開催された、フードテックとクライメートテックに焦点を当てた「HackSummit」に参加しました。また、SSSはスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(以下、EPFL)内にあるイノベーションパークの視察も行いました。

Test Kitchen (Photo: Shibuya City)
HackSummit is a food and climate tech-focused conference held every May in Lausanne, Switzerland. HackVentures Ltd., which runs HackSummit, is a media company focused on food tech and climate tech, as well as a micro-funding platform for startups looking to raise capital in the industry. The conference aimed to address the lack of investment in climate change-related startups, and was attended by more investors than any other conference. In addition, according to Hack Capital, a micro-funding platform operated by HackVentures Ltd., investment in climate tech startups is only meeting 16% of demand, and to meet climate change goals, at least a 590% increase as well as between $5 trillion and $7 trillion per year will be needed to fund climate tech to achieve a series of SDGs between 2015 and 2030.
There were 950 attendees, a panel discussion stage, a pitch stage for startups, networking areas, and a test kitchen at the event venue this year. Attendees tried future food products at the test kitchen. The conference attracted many startups and investors seeking to solve food and climate problems facing the world, and many were interested in expanding into Japan and our Shibuya Startup Support program.
This event was smaller than other startup conferences, allowing better connections with other attendees and focused on networking. Tables and chairs were set up throughout the venue, creating an environment facilitating conversation among participants.
「HackSummit」はフードテック・クライメートテックに焦点を当てたカンファレンスで毎年5月にスイス・ローザンヌで開催されています。「HackSummit」を運営するHackVentures Ltd.はフードテック、クライメートテックに焦点を当てたメディアや同業界で資金調達したいスタートアップ向けのマイクロファンディングのプラットフォームも展開しています。同カンファレンスは気候変動関連のスタートアップへの投資が進んでいないという課題の解決を目指しており、他のカンファレンスに比べて多くの投資家が参加していました。また、HackVentures Ltd.が運営するマイクロファンディングプラットフォーム、Hack Capitalによるとクライメートテックスタートアップへの投資は需要の16%しか満たされておらず、気候変動目標を達成するためには、少なくとも590%の投資額の増加が必要、さらに2015年から2030年にかけて、一連のSDGsを達成するためには、年間5兆ドルから7兆ドルのクライメートテックへの資金が必要だそうです。

Visit to EPFL Innovation Park (Photo: Shibuya City)
Visit to EPFL Innovation Park
The EPFL Innovation Park is a support organization for university startups located within EPFL, which attracts the best researchers from around the world and provides a venue for exchange between academia and business. The university itself has a strong focus on deep tech, but also supports health tech and food tech in collaboration with local ecosystem builders. In the past, they have also run programs focused on femtech with Japanese companies.
We had a meeting with Lan Zuo Gillet, Deputy Managing Director at EPFL Innovation Park together with our startup partner city, City of Kobe (Shibuya City and Kobe City have a partnership agreement to support startups).
EPFLイノベーションパークにて、渋谷区とスタートアップ支援で連携協定を締結している神戸市と一緒にEPFLイノベーションパークのマネージングディレクター、Lan Zuo Gillet氏とミーティングを行い、三者の取り組みに関する意見交換を行いました。
We connected with a wide variety of local startups and entrepreneurs who were considering expanding to Japan through participation in the HackSummit and a visit to EPFL Innovation Park. In addition, we confirmed our plan to deepen co-operation with ecosystem builders and government agencies in Switzerland.
SSS will continue to strengthen ties with overseas partners to support more international startups entering Japan. If you are interested in collaborating with SSS or our Shibuya Startup Visa Program, don’t hesitate to contact us, and follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on upcoming events!
More information on Shibuya Startup Visa Program: https://shibuya-startup-support.jp/sws/
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