Interview with S-Startups: Yasuhisa Nagasaki of NERON

In this article we sit down with Yasuhisa, the CEO of NERON. NERON is one of the companies selected to join S-Startups, the startup certification program run by Shibuya Startup Deck to support startups through industry-government collaboration.
NERON develops supplements and medicines that achieve wellbeing by altering the human intestinal microbiome.
今回は、渋谷区と民間企業の産官連携でスタートアップをサポートするコンソーシアムShibuya Startup Deck のスタートアップ認定制度「S-Startups」の認定企業である株式会社NERON代表取締役の長﨑恭久氏にインタビューを行いました。株式会社NERONは、腸内細菌の力で人々のWell-Being実現を目指し、服用した方が前向きになれるサプリメント・医薬品の開発を手掛けています。

Formulation developed by NERON (Photo: NERON)
株式会社NERON代表取締役 – 長﨑恭久氏(写真:株式会社NERON)
Please tell us about your journey with NERON.
I started my career as a researcher of gut microbiota, working in a major company. After that, I conducted research at a research institute and university. I have worked on this research for over ten years.
Could you provide more details about what your company does?
Humans live in symbiosis with our gut microbiome. As well as assisting with digestion, these bacteria stimulate the network of nerves around the intestines, which in turn affects the brain. We create products that improve these effects, mainly focusing on mental health and wellbeing.
Why did you start this business?
I had a mental breakdown when I was young myself, and it has become clear that societies are divided due to conflicts and the spread of infectious diseases, and that the mental burden in society is increasing. These problems I saw as issues to be addressed.
I realize the importance of mental health and the need to increase resistance in times when the future is uncertain, and I decided to utilize the known effect of the human intestinal microbiome on mood for this purpose.

Formulation developed by NERON (Photo: NERON)
Are there any specific strategies you’re employing for international business expansion?
Currently, we have a marketer in the Netherlands supplying us with information about the local market there. We are also in the process of conducting research in the U.S. with MEDISO of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, JETRO, and others. We are planning to conduct a local survey in the near future.
What led you to apply for S-Startups?
Shibuya City and the government’s accreditation and overseas connections were a big attractor. In fact, there are quite a few events attended by people from overseas in Shibuya, so we are able to get good international perspectives without having to leave the country!
What are your next steps?
We want to complete our product in 2027, launch it internationally in 2028, accelerate global expansion in 2029, and IPO on the Nasdaq in 2030.
Could you share a message for other startups?
Since receiving certification as an S-Startups, Shibuya Startup Support (SSS) has provided lots of support, including the use of co-working spaces, offices, and meeting rooms; introductions to member companies and banks; as well as opportunities for networking with CXOs from international startups and SSS startup visa holders.
After being certified as S-Startups, our credibility went up to unheard-of levels considering that we are a startup still in the R&D phase. We were able to attract quality talent to our team, and get our foot in the door of a lot of opportunities we otherwise wouldn’t have had access to.
「S-Startups」の認定を受け、Shibuya Startup Support(以下、SSS)が提供するコワーキングスペース、オフィス、会議室の利用や会員企業や銀行への紹介、さらには海外スタートアップのCXOやSSSのスタートアップビザホルダーとの交流など、さまざまなサポートを受けています。「S-Startups」認定後に現在のチームメンバーも加入してくれ、スタートアップとしてはほとんどない信用力が大きく上昇しました。
Thanks, Yasuhisa! If you are interested in the Shibuya Startup Support program yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on upcoming events!
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