Interview with Shibuya Startup Visa Holder, Yerzhan Karatayev and Yerkezhan Karatayeva
スタートアップビザホルダーインタビュー:株式会社Ringi、Yerzhan Karatayev氏・Yerkezhan Karatayeva氏

In this article we interviewed Yerzhan Karatayev and Yerkezhan Karatayeva — husband-and-wife business partners, Shibuya startup visa holders, and co-founders of Ringi, an AI relationship advice app for couples. Ringi was founded in 2022 with the goal of creating services and products specifically related to love and relationships. Their debut app allows couples to casually chat and ask questions about their relationship with an AI assistant. We interviewed them about their path to starting their own business in Shibuya, and their vision for the future.
今回は、夫婦でビジネスパートナーであり、渋谷のスタートアップビザを取得し、カップル向けのAI恋愛アドバイスアプリ「Ringi」の共同創業者であるYerzhan Karatayev氏とYerkezhan Karatayeva氏にインタビューを行いました。「Ringi」は、恋愛や人間関係に特化したサービスや製品を作ることを目標に、2022年に設立されました。彼らのデビューアプリでは、カップルがAIアシスタントと気軽にチャットや恋愛に関する質問をすることができます。渋谷で起業するまでの道のりや、これからのビジョンについてお話を伺いました。

Ringi Co-Founder & CEO,Yerzhan Karatayev and Business Manager & Co-Founder, Yerkezhan Karatayeva (Photo: Yerzhan Karatayev)
「Ringi」共同創業者兼CEOのYerzhan Karatayev氏と共同創業者兼ビジネスマネージャーのYerkezhan Karatayeva氏(写真:Yerzhan Karatayev)
Please tell us about your entrepreneurial journey.
Yerzhan: My entrepreneurial journey began with inspiration from American founders like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs when I studied at the university. My first startup experience was working remotely at a US startup, where I entered as a front-end engineer and quickly developed into full-stack. I’ve worked in various startups across different industries and markets, with one of the companies I co-founded featured on Forbes’ 30 under 30 North America list.
Yerkezhan: We actually co-founded our first company shortly after we both graduated from university; a location-based detective mystery game. After that, I worked in digital marketing for several companies around the world, as well as a stint as a journalist. Between the two of us we could cover a lot of skillsets, but when we decided to launch our next startup we realized we were lacking in the nuts-and-bolts of business administration, so I did an accelerated MBA program to make sure we had all of our bases covered.
− 起業の経緯についてお聞かせください。
Yerzhan氏:私の起業の始まりは、大学で勉強していた時に、Mark Zuckerberg、 Bill Gates、 Steve Jobsといったアメリカの創業者たちからインスピレーションを受けて始まりました。最初のスタートアップの経験は、米国のスタートアップにリモートでフロントエンドエンジニアとして入社し、すぐにフルスタックエンジニアになりました。さまざまな業界や市場のスタートアップで働き、共同設立した会社の1つはForbesの「30 under 30 North America」リストに掲載されました。
Yerkezhan氏: 実は、私たちは大学を卒業した直後に最初の会社を共同設立しました。これは位置情報を利用した探偵ミステリーゲームでした。その後、私は世界中のいくつかの企業でデジタルマーケティングを担当し、ジャーナリストとしても活動しました。しかし、次のスタートアップを立ち上げようと思ったとき、経営学のノウハウが不足していることに気づき、私はMBAプログラムを受講して、すべての基盤をカバーできるようにしました。
Why did you choose Japan?
While traveling the world for six months with my wife, I received a job offer from a Japanese company, so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity.
We believe that Southeast Asia will soon become a competitive startup ecosystem, so we wanted to establish a presence in the region early, and capitalize on the emerging market.
How did your startup evolve since launch?
We have made significant progress. We are now officially incorporated in Japan, we’ve built a strong team with experienced advisors, and we’ve iterated our product through several pivots before finding what resonated with users. This led to the launch of a couples beta web app, singles mobile app, and continuous analysis to refine our products.
What kind of steps did you take to apply for a Shibuya Startup Visa?
We immersed ourselves in the Japanese startup ecosystem, actively following local communities and events. We learned about Shibuya Startup Support from one of the team leads on LinkedIn, where she provided insight on the application process. She provided valuable recommendations for preparing our documents, which we submitted to the Shibuya team. Within a week, we were invited for a video interview, and shortly after, we received confirmation of our selection for the support program and visa assistance.
− なぜ日本を選んだのですか?
− スタートアップの立ち上げから、どのような進化を遂げたのでしょうか?
− 渋谷スタートアップビザを申請するために、どのようなステップを踏んだのでしょうか?
私たちは日本のスタートアップのエコシステムに入り込み、地域のコミュニティやイベントを積極的にフォローしました。Shibuya Startup Support(以下、SSS」)については、LinkedInでSSSのスタートアップビザ担当の方から教えてもらい、申請プロセスについて知りました。ビザ担当の方は、私たちの書類を準備するための貴重なアドバイスをくれ、私たちはそれを渋谷のチームに提出しました。1週間以内にビデオインタビューに招待され、その直後にSSSのプログラムへの選出とビザサポートのメッセージが届きました。

Ringi Co-Founder & CEO,Yerzhan Karatayev and Business Manager & Co-Founder, Yerkezhan Karatayeva (Photo: Yerzhan Karatayev)
「Ringi」共同創業者兼CEOのYerzhan Karatayev氏と共同創業者兼ビジネスマネージャーのYerkezhan Karatayeva氏(写真:Yerzhan Karatayev)
What are your next steps?
Our next steps include focusing on enhancing user engagement, increasing the number of paid users, and releasing the official version of our mobile app. We are also actively seeking investment and partnerships to accelerate our growth, expand our market reach, and create more value for our users.
− 今後の展望を教えてください。
Could you share a message for founders and startups who want to apply for Shibuya Startup Support or are simply interested in the Japanese market?
To founders and startups considering applying for Shibuya Startup Support or exploring the Japanese market, remember that building a startup in Japan can be quite different from other countries. Market dynamics, people’s behavior and interests, social norms, and investors can be unique. Having support programs like Shibuya Startup Support in the early stages can be immensely helpful. However, it’s crucial to understand that the level and type of support you receive depends on your initiative. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, connections, or advice. SSS has various teams that can offer diverse perspectives and support tailored to your needs. Embrace the challenge and leverage the resources available to thrive in the Japanese market.
− SSSに応募したい、あるいは日本市場に興味がある創業者・スタートアップの方々へメッセージをお願いします。
If you are interested in the startup ecosystem and startup visas, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on upcoming events!
More information on Ringi:
Social media accounts of Yerzhan Karatayev, Co-Founder & CEO of Ringi:
More information on Shibuya’s Startup Visa program:
株式会社Ringi代表取締役Yerzhan Karatayev氏のソーシャルメディアアカウント
Shibuya Startup Supportのビザプログラムに関する情報はこちらをご覧ください。