Shibuya City Office Launches “Startup Visas” for Foreign Startups, Along With the “Startup Welcome Service,” a One-Stop-Shop Support Service
渋谷区のスタートアップビザ発給開始に伴い、海外スタートアップ向けのワンストップサービス「Startup Welcome Service」が始動します

Shibuya City Office has started issuing startup visas (up to one year) to foreigners who wish to start their own businesses, allowing them to enter and stay in Japan for preparatory activities. Shibuya City Office is the first in Tokyo to do so. The entry of foreign startups into the Japanese market will help us move forward to a society where diverse people can achieve their own aspirations. We hope that startups who aspire to start their businesses in Japan will take this opportunity and choose Shibuya City as a place to start.

In line with this, the “Startup Welcome Service (SWS)” for overseas startups introduced in the TOPICS (September 2020) will also begin its activities. The director of SWS will be Miho Tanaka. She is an expert on overseas startup support and the founder of Startup Work Inc. She and her team will provide hands-on support to foreigners who want to start a business and need help in applying for a startup visa or opening a corporate account. Please feel free to contact the team using the “CONTACT US” form.
Japan is the third-largest economy in the world after the U.S. and China, and with a population of 126 million, it is a market full of opportunities for foreign startups. Life in Japan is fun and safe, the people are friendly and helpful, and it is a great place to live and work. Shibuya City is waiting for you!
For more information on the specific startup visa application process, please see the “Startup Visa” section of the SWS page.
これに伴い、2020年9月のTOPICSでご紹介した、海外スタートアップ向けの支援サービス「Startup Welcome Service(SWS)」も活動を開始します。SWSのディレクターには、Startup Work Inc.のファウンダーであり、海外スタートアップ支援のエキスパートである田中美帆が就任します。起業を目指す外国人がスタートアップビザ申請や法人口座開設などで行き詰まったとき、彼女とそのチームがハンズオンの手厚いサポートを提供します。「CONTACT US」フォームから気軽にご連絡ください。
具体的なスタートアップビザ申請の流れについては、SWSページの「Startup Visa」セクションをご覧ください。