Testbed City
In June 2020, Shibuya City launched the “Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya” project. The initiative sources new technologies and ideas from startups, universities, and research institutes to solve local social issues.
2020年6月、渋谷区は、さまざまな分野の社会課題を解決するための新技術やアイデアをスタートアップ企業や大学・研究機関から継続的に募集する実証プロジェクト「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」を開始しました。このプロジェクトは、どなたでもご参加いただけます。
Our support network includes access to facilities such as coworking spaces within Shibuya and select locations around Tokyo.
Shibuya City Residents and City Facilities
Shibuya City also offers its local infrastructure for product and concept testing, and operates a pool of local volunteers for product testing with over 2300 residents registered.

Recent Collaborations

Childcare Robotics
One of the identified causes for Japan’s declining birthrate is lack of ready access to childcare after the parents rejoin the workforce. ChiCaRo seeks to address this with robot-assisted daycare programs. Now the whole family can participate in raising children, no matter how far apart they live. ChiCaRo’s prototype childcare robot was given fertile ground in their testing phase, with access to Shibuya City’s own employee daycare! Feedback from real parents proved invaluable for their R&D.

Congestion Control via AI x IoT
Vacan Inc
Vacan’s AirKnock service utilizes IoT technology in conjunction with AI to ensure that limited services and facilities are not overwhelmed by spreading usage over the full infrastructure.
One such use-case was demonstrated right here in the Shibuya City office, with Vacan’s Airknock preventing restroom congestion on the 1st to 4th floors.
IoTサービス「VACAN AirKnock」を導入。渋谷区役所の1〜4Fに設置し、お手洗いの混雑を抑止することで、快適な利用環境を提供します。実証実験事業「Innovation for New Normal from Shibuya」を通じて実証実験を実施した中から渋谷区への本格導入となった初めての事例となります。

Health app and health points for health and commercial activity
bspr Inc.
“Hachi-Sanpo" provided by Shibuya Ward and bspr Inc is a project that aims to promote health and revitalize commerce in the ward by utilizing a health app and health point service. Users can earn points for exercising, managing their diet, and brain training with the app, and the points earned can be converted to "Hachi-Pay".This is a groundbreaking service that boosts both health and the local economy.
In 2022 over 70 companies participated in various Testbed City programs. Shibuya City plans is committed to expanding our collaborators further in 2023!
Application Outline
Who is eligible to apply?
Businesses, mainly startups, and universities and other research institutions that aim to solve social issues through technology and services.
Application Theme
We are looking for new technologies and solutions to solve social issues. Any genre is welcome. The following is a list of topics in high demand within the Shibuya Ward Office. Please consider these as well. We look forward to hearing from you.
Traffic Policy Division
- Services that contribute to improved accessibility to the Shibuya Station area, etc.
(ex. services that allow easier access from Shibuya to Sasazuka, Hatagaya, Hatsudai, Shibuya to Ebisu, Hiroo, Roppongi, etc.) - Services to promote safe and comfortable bicycle use
(ex. services to reduce the number of abandoned bicycles and promote the use of bicycle parking lots, etc.) - Services that help promote the use of public transportation such as buses and cabs
(ex. services to promote the use of buses and cabs by those who do not use them, provision of apps to track their use, etc.) - Services that help promote the use of shared bicycles
(ex.Services to promote the use of shared bicycles by people who have never heard of or used shared bicycles, etc.)
Elderly Welfare Division
- Reducing the workload in care facilities.
- Identification of areas to improve in care service infrastructure
- Creation of new monitoring services (ICT and IoT-based monitoring projects)
Long-Term Care Insurance Division
- Determining the health of elderly people online and automatically recommending services.
- Matching platform for nursing and preventative care.
- Promotion of the recruitment, development and retention of caregivers.
Environmental Policy Division
- Establishment and operation of a system whereby residents and businesses in a neighborhood can instantly and effectively utilize renewable energy stored in storage batteries, etc.
- Technologies and solutions for realizing a decarbonized society centered on renewable energy
- Wildlife habitat surveys and survey methods to conserve biodiversity
- Rooftop greening and renewable energy generation in Shibuya City.
Environmental Improvement Division
- Graffiti prevention.
City Planning Division
- Technologies and services that archive the history of Shibuya.
- Online mechanisms for citizen outreach and information sharing.
Housing Policy Division
- Services to simplify the management of self-managed apartments and old-age homes.
Disaster Prevention Division
- Information dissemination when internet and telephone lines are down during a disaster.
- Modeling human flow during emergencies.
- Disaster awareness for residents and visitors.
Safety Division
Special fraud countermeasures (*1)
- Various measures to prevent damage from special fraud
- Measures to promote the use of “automatic call recorder(*2),” which is proven to be highly effective in preventing victims of special frauds, among elderly persons aged 65 and over (living in wards).
- Effective damage prevention services against special fraud (refund fraud) in which criminals call ward residents on their landlines, tell them false information such as “I have a refund for medical expenses,” lure them to ATMs, and then make them perform fraudulent money transfer procedures.
Support for Adopted Companies
- Coordination with Shibuya Ward departments in charge of service development and cooperation in implementation of demonstration experiments
- Support for collaboration with partners and early implementation of successful models through the Shibuya Ward network
- Mentoring by Venture Capital and other investors
- Mentoring by Venture Capital and other investors ・Resources and financial support from sponsors (planned)
How to apply and what to enter
Please use the entry form below to register as a user and submit your entry.
〈Required Fields〉
- Corporate Name
- Address
- name
- e-mail addresse
- telephone number
- Project name
- Project Summary
What is the purpose of the proposed demonstration experiment (500 words or less)? Please list current issues and needs, and describe how this project will contribute to them. If you would like to provide an explanation in the attached materials instead of in writing, please indicate "see attached materials" and attach the attached materials in the section below (section on reference materials to supplement your proposal). - Desired start date
- Stage of development
At what stage of development is the service or product to be used in the demonstration experiment? - Requests to the district
What kind of cooperation do you expect from the district in conducting the demonstration experiment (350 words or less)? - Uniqueness and superiority
Please tell us about the uniqueness and superiority of this project (350 characters or less). If there are similar products (services), please describe the uniqueness and superiority of this project. - Outcome Indicators
Please describe the outcome indicators of the demonstration experiment (350 characters or less). Please describe what kind of results can be expected from the demonstration experiment, using outcome indicators, etc.
〈Optional items〉
- Home Page
- Department
- Position
Please attach any reference materials (up to 20 MB) to supplement your proposal, such as a description of your business or services.
Upload any reference videos to supplement the proposal, including business and service details (maximum 500MB).
Screening Criteria/Project Initiation
- The screening will be based on the items listed in the “Application Details” section.
- After the application is selected, the demonstration experiment can be started at any time.
- Please make sure that the content is not offensive to public order and morals.
- All costs associated with the application process must be borne by the applicant.
- In principle, intellectual property rights such as patent rights belong to the applicant. Applicants are responsible for taking all necessary procedures to protect their rights upon entry, and Shibuya City will assume no responsibility whatsoever.
- The outline of the adopted plan may be made available to the general public.
- Please note that if an application is found to be in violation of the application conditions or precautions, the selection of the applicant may be revoked.
- 渋谷駅周辺等へのアクセシビリティの向上に資するサービス
ex.渋谷~笹塚・幡ヶ谷・初台、渋谷~恵比寿・広尾・六本木等へもっと気軽に行けるサービス等 - 自転車の安全・快適な利用を促進するサービス
ex.放置自転車を減らし、駐輪場の活用を促進するサービス等 - バス、タクシー等の公共交通機関の利用促進に資するサービス
ex.バス、タクシーを利用していない方々の利用を促進するサービス、利用状況が把握できるアプリの提供等 - シェアサイクルの利用促進に資するサービス
- 介護施設での業務負担軽減
- 介護サービス基盤整備を目的としたニーズの把握
- 新たな見守りサービスの創出(ICTやIoTを活用した見守り事業)
- 高齢者の健康状態をオンラインで簡単に判定でき、その結果に応じて、利用が推奨されるサービスが自動診断できるアプリ
- 住民主体の介護予防活動を促進するための、サービスを受けたい人と、スキルや専門性を持ち合わせる人のマッチングプラットフォーム
- 介護人材の確保・育成・定着を促進するサービス等
- 蓄電池などで溜めた再生可能エネルギーを、近隣の住民や事業者が瞬時に有効活用しあう仕組みの構築とその運用
- 再生可能エネルギーを核とした脱炭素社会の実現に向けた技術や解決方法
- 生物多様性の保全に向けた野生生物の生息調査や、その調査方法
- 現状不可能な渋谷区内建物の屋上緑化と再生可能エネルギー発電技術の共存
- まちに落書きが描かれることを防止するための様々な方策
- 落書きを消去した場合に、ひとびとの気持ちに与える効果を、視覚的にとらえられる指標づくり
- 落書きを企図する個人やグループのネット上のやり取りを監視し、犯罪を未然に防ぐ技術
- 地元住民の意見を吸い上げる新しい仕組みの構築
- 各地域で行われている取組みの情報を統合するプラットフォーム
- 渋谷区内で行われる再開発に関わる様々な事業者との協議状況のデータベース化
- 渋谷というまちの歴史や変遷を、デジタル上でアーカイブ化することが可能な最新技術・サービス
- IoT技術を活用したアプリによる高経年・自主管理マンションの管理事務負担を軽減するサービス
詳細はこちら(PDF 1MB)
- 災害時にインターネット、電話回線が止まった際の災害情報発信の新しい技術
- 災害時の人流シミュレーション
- 住民、来街者の防災意識を測る新しい指標、調査方法
- 特殊詐欺の被害を防止するための様々な方策
- 特殊詐欺被害の防止に高い効果が認められる『自動通話録音機(※2) 』を65歳以上の高齢者(区内在住)に普及させる方策
- 犯人が区民の固定電話に架電し、「医療費の還付金がある」等と虚偽の事実を伝え、同人をATMへ誘い出した上で、不正な振り込み手続きを行わせる特殊詐欺(還付金詐欺)に対し、有効な被害防止サービス
- 渋谷区担当部署とのサービス開発に向けた調整
- 実証実験の実施協力
- 渋谷区ネットワークによるパートナーとの協業支援
- 成功モデルについての早期実装サポート
- Venture Capital等の投資家によるメンタリング
- 協賛企業からのリソース
- 法人名
- 住所
- 応募者の氏名
- 応募者のメールアドレス
- 応募者の電話番号
- プロジェクト名
- プロジェクト要旨
提案する実証実験の目的を教えてください(500字以内)。現状の課題やニーズなどを挙げ、本事業がどのように寄与するのかについて記載してください。文章ではなく、添付資料での説明をご希望の方は、「添付資料を参照」と記入の上、下記項目(提案を補足する参考資料の項目)にて添付をお願いします。 - 希望開始日
- 開発段階
実証実験で使用するサービス、製品はどの開発段階にありますか? - 区への要望事項
実証実験の実施に際し、区に期待する協力内容を教えてください(350字以内)。 - 独自性・優位性
本事業の独自性や優位性について教えてください(350字以内)。類似製品(サービス)があれば、本事業の独自性や優位性を記載してください。 - 成果指標
- ホームページ
- 応募者の部署名
- 応募者の役職
- 「応募内容」に記載の項目を総合的に審査します。
- 採択後、随時実証実験を開始いただけます。
- 公序良俗に反しない内容としてください。
- 応募にかかる費用は応募者がご負担ください。
- 原則として特許権等の知的所有権は応募者に帰属します。エントリーにあたっては応募者自身の責任において必要な権利保護等の手続きを行うこととし、渋谷区は一切の責任を負わないこととします。
- 採用されたプラン概要は一般公開されることがあります。
- 応募条件、注意事項に反する応募であることが判明した場合は、採択を取り消す場合がありますのでご留意ください。
Would you like to apply?
What opportunities exist in specific sectors? Who to partner up with? Shibuya Startup Support’s team is happy to help. Hop on an online call to speak to one of our staff today!
実証プロジェクトを実現させるためにどのような機会があるのか、どのような企業・団体と提携するのが良いのか。Shibuya Startup Supportがサポートしますので、お問い合わせフォームからご相談ください。