Event Report: Creativetech Popup Day
2024年1月開催「Creativetech Popup Day」イベントレポート

On the 12th and 14th of January, Shibuya Startup Support (SSS) held our Creativetech Popup Day at Shibuya GOLDEN EGG. The event featured business matching sessions between domestic and international art- and creativetech startups, Japanese companies, and Venture Capital firms, along with product exhibitions and interactive experiences.
Creativetech Popup Day was part of DIG Shibuya — a culture, art, and technology event organized by Shibuya City.
Creativetech Popup Day attracted a total of 100 participants over the two days, with 18 startups from 11 different countries joining in.
Shibuya Startup Support(以下、SSS)では、2024年1月12日と14日の2日間、渋谷・GOLDEN EGGにて、国内外のアート・クリエイティブテックスタートアップと日本企業やCVCとのビジネスマッチングセッション、プロダクト展示と実際にプロダクトを体験できるイベント「Creativetech Popup Day」を開催しました。
同イベントは、テクノロジーとアートを掛け合わせた最新カルチャーを体験できる渋谷区共催のイベント「DIG Shibuya」に連動して開催されました。
「Creativetech Popup Day」には二日間で累計100人の参加者が来場し、スタートアップは11カ国から18社が参加、40件以上のスタートアップと日本企業やCVCによるビジネスマッチングとミーティングが行われました。

Pitch Presentations by Startups (Photo: Shibuya City)
Gathering of Creative Tech Startups from Around the World: Business Matchmaking with Japanese Companies
On the first day, approximately 12 startups from around the world presented their pitches, followed by business matching sessions with Japanese companies and VCs. One of the attendees, Stenomatic, demonstrated their real-time automatic translation technology — allowing the event to be conducted in English with Japanese appearing on participants’ smartphones.
The post-pitch business matching and roundtable discussions between startups and companies/VCs featured simultaneous interpretation tools provided by POCKETALK.
The second day of the event primarily focused on showcasing startup products, attracting general attendees, some of whom had visited after participating in other DIG Shibuya events.
イベント二日目は、スタートアップのプロダクトの展示がメインで行われ、一般の方にもご参加いただきました。参加者の中には「DIG SHIBUYA」の他のイベント参加後に立ち寄ってくださった方もいました。

Pitch Presentations by Startups (Photo: Shibuya City)
Participating Startups
- OurSong (Taiwan): Service that brings fair revenue to the music industry through the licensing of songs.
- WhiteSquare (USA/Japan): A one-stop platform for artists, centralizing production, curation, and exhibition.
- DMKTZ (Taiwan): Simplifies the production of 3D fashion.
- HybOrg (Mongolia): Specializes in anime and fashion mobile gaming businesses, providing an immersive community environment by combining game elements and AR.
- Once Upon Music Ltd (UK/Japan): AI app for children, teaching piano and music via gamification.
- Toii Games (Taiwan): Expands AR games playable through an app, offering location-based gaming experiences.
- Tenatch (South Korea): Utilizes generative AI mapping to provide a platform for discovering unknown creators within the city.
- dissant productions (Germany/Japan): VR-based programming tool to simplify programming.
- ChoozMo Inc. (Taiwan): Advanced AI-Generated Video (AIGV) platform that uses diffusion models and deep learning to turn written text into lifelike avatars, scenes, and videos.
- Kessaku (Japan): Platform for collective ownership of heritage buildings to support their preservation and utilization by fans.
- SAMANSA (Japan): Video-on-demand service specializing in short films originating from Shibuya.
- Gaudiy Inc. (Japan): Platform for IP fans using blockchain technologies.
- Art2All (France): Uses AI and cameras to turn physical paintings into art in a new dimension through NFTs.
- Marionette (Denmark): Enables AI motion capture with a single camera, supporting video and VR-based motion capture.
- Artivive (Austria): A service that connects physical and digital art using AR tools.
- StoryDrops (Finland): Location-based audio social media app.
- Holonic Systems (Finland/Canada): Acoustic AR platform that generates music based on movement and GIS information, offering music tailored to the user’s environment.
- Shion (Austria): Specialized noise canceling speakers.
- Toii Games(台湾):アプリを通じて遊べるARゲームを展開し、ロケーションベースのゲームを提供
- Tenatch(韓国):ジェネレーティブAIマッピングを活用し、都市内の知られざるクリエイターを発見できるプラットフォームを提供
- dissant productions(ドイツ・日本):プログラミングを簡素化するVRベースのプログラミングツールを開発
- ChoozMo Inc.(台湾):拡散モデル(生成AI技術の一種)とディープラーニングを使ってテキストからリアルなアバターやシーン、ビデオを生成できるAIGV(AI-GENERATED VIDEO)プラットフォームを開発。
- Kessaku(日本):ファンが建築物をサポートし保存・活用するための傑作建築の共同所有プラットフォームを提供
- SAMANSA(日本):渋谷発の短編映画に特化したビデオ・オン・デマンドサービスを提供
- Gaudiy Inc.(日本):Web3時代のファンの熱狂を最大限に活用するファンプラットフォームを提供
- Art2All(フランス):NFT化するAIとカメラを使用して、フィジカルな絵画を新しい次元のアートに変えるサービスを提供
- Marionette(デンマーク):1台のカメラでAIモーションキャプチャーを可能にし、ビデオとVRベースのモーションキャプチャーをサポート
- Artivive(オーストリア):ARツールで物理的・デジタルアートを結びつけるサービスを提供
- StoryDrops(フィンランド):位置情報を活用した音声ソーシャルメディアアプリ
- Holonic Systems(フィンランド・カナダ):移動やGIS情報から音楽を生成する音響ARプラットフォームで、ユーザーの環境に合わせた音楽を提供
- Shion(オーストリア):ノイズキャンセリングに特化したスピーカーを提供

Business Matching Roundtable (Photo: Shibuya City)
Participant Feedback
Feedback from the startups that visited Japan included statements such as:
- “I was able to discuss collaboration with other participating startups.”
- “It was great to establish connections with neighboring startups.”
- “Actual investment discussions are progressing.”
- “I didn’t know that the support from the SSS program was so comprehensive; I want to apply for a visa through SSS.”
Investors and representatives from participating companies expressed their enthusiasm, with quotes like, “the fact that startups were curated by SSS was beneficial; the quality was high,” and “establishing connections with neighboring startups was a fantastic experience.” Positive feedback was also received regarding the effective use of translation tools.
Vibrant matchmaking between international art and creative startups and Japanese companies took place at this event, transforming the event into a pivotal opportunity for entering the Japanese market.
SSS will continue to support international startups to enter the Japanese market while strengthening collaboration with the creative tech industry. If you are a creative tech-related startup interested in expanding into Japan or collaborating with SSS, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on upcoming events!
More information on Shibuya Startup Visa program: https://shibuya-startup-support.jp/sws/
Shibuya Startup Support’s Social Media Account:
Shibuya Startup Support:https://shibuya-startup-support.jp/
Shibuya Startup Supportソーシャルメディアアカウント